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Versão em Português

Legend of Guarana

scientific name - Paullinia cupana

A couple of natives, from the Maués tribe, lived together for many years, but had no children. One day, they went before Tupan (a native god) and asked him to let them have a child to fulfil their lives. Tupan, knowing that the couple was kind and deserving, heard their wish and gave them a lovely boy. Time went by and the boy grew good-looking, generous and beloved by all in the village. However, Jurupari, the god of darkness and evil, was very envious of the boy and decided to kill him. One day, the boy went to pick up some fruits in the forest and Jurupari took this chance to put his revenge in place. He turned himself into a poisonous snake, which attacked and killed the boy. The sad news was quickly scattered. It was right when thunders echoed and striking thunderbolts hit the village. The mother, who was crying desperately, understood that the thunderbolts were Tupan's message, telling them to have the kid's eyes planted so that a new plant, with tasty fruits, could grow therefrom. So it was done and the natives have planted the little kid's eyes. And from that spot, the guarana cropped up, with black seeds, encircled by a white film, quite similar to a man's eyes.